Terms of Use

General terms and conditions

This website is owned by LiveLaunch Pty Ltd (this website). Your access to this website, including access to pages which require you sign in with a password, is subject to these terms and conditions.

LiveLaunch may, at its sole discretion, vary or modify these terms of use without notice.

Information on the website

LiveLaunch has provided all information on the website in good faith and using reasonable care. However, information on the website may not be accurate or complete.

Some information on the website may be provided by third parties. LiveLaunch does not verify this information and is not responsible for the completeness or accuracy of that information.

Third Party Sites

LiveLaunch may provide links to third party websites however it is not responsible for the security or content contained within those sites. If you leave the website by accessing a link contained on the website, you do so at your own risk and you acknowledge that links to other websites are provided for convenience only.


All copyright and other intellectual property contained on the website is owned by or licensed to LiveLaunch. You may use the information contained on the website for your personal reference only. Information on the website may not otherwise be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted to any other person or reproduced in any other document or form.

Social Media

LiveLaunch uses social media, including Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and YouTube, to provide its customers and followers with information and support.

If you access and leave comments on our social media pages, you must be respectful of our broader customers and followers at all times.

LiveLaunch is not responsible for and does not endorse or guarantee the accuracy or reliability of content or viewpoints that are offered or expressed in comments made by others on our social media pages.


To the extent permitted by law, LiveLaunch is not liable to any person in relation to use of the website and you waive all claims against us in relation to your use of the website.

LiveLaunch does not warrant that the website will always be accessible, nor does it warrant the security of the website and that any device used to access the website will be free from harm.

You agree to indemnify LiveLaunch and keep it indemnified against all actions, claims, damages or liability arising out of breach by you of these terms of use.


LiveLaunch does not guarantee the security of the website, nor does it give any warranty of reliability or accuracy. LiveLaunch does not accept any responsibility including negligence or errors and omission in the information on the website nor does it accept liability for any loss or damage however caused as a result of any user relying on any information on the website or being unable to access the website.

If you have a LiveLaunch account and password, you are responsible for maintaining the security of your password and account information. LiveLaunch is not liable for any damages or breaches of privacy arising from your failure to take appropriate security measure.